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Script It! 1.0.1

O. James Samson - July 25, 2011

Script It! is cross-platform script writing application that features story planning and screenplay formatting ideal for the novice writer who is learning the craft of screenwriting. The program uses the simple technique of step-outlining to build your screenplay scene by scene, allowing you to focus on each key event of your script without losing sight of the bigger picture. Script It! is the lite version of the professional screenplay development software Movie Outline developed by the same publishers, which was created by a produced writer to take the complexity out of the screenwriting process.

Script It! has fewer features, but is ideal enough for a first time writer learning the craft of screenwriting. The truth about this program is that it uses the same simple technique as Movie Outline of step-outlining to build your screenplay scene by scene, allowing you to focus on each key event of your script without losing sight of the bigger picture.

With Script! Application, you can build and navigate your outline, script and notes step by step through an AV remote-style console, even as a novice. That aside, Script It’s Title Page Panel also allows multiple pages and automatically paginates which means you can use it as a simple cover page, list your cast for stage plays, or even use it for writing a long form treatment or synopsis independent of the main project’s outline and script!.

Want to check it out? Visit Nuvotech.

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