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Cloud Turtle 1.0

O. James Samson - August 23, 2011

Cloud Turtle can multi-task operations such as upload, download and delete. The program has a simple, dynamic user interface that can be changed to your preferred layout. Cloud Turtle throttles bandwidth, contains a complete history log, has auto retry of failed tasks, and can pause and resume uploads and downloads. Cloud Turtle is super fast, super easy, feature rich and completely free.

Cloud Turtle is an easy to use application that has a host of quality features that include the following; multi-task operations such as upload, download, and delete, multi-threaded download and upload (super fast), ability to pause and resume upload and download, Cloud Turtle can be set to auto retry failed tasks in event of a failed connection, simple, and dynamic user interface that can be changed to suit your taste or proffered lay out, Cloud Turtle can also throttle bandwidth usage, the program saves layout and tasks foe next time, complete history log, and a few others.

Cloud Turtle is definitely one program you can do with; especially with some of its key features; and of course, you can install and use it for free. It basically runs on Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP.

Want to check it out? Visit TimelineCloud.

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