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ArcadiaCharts 0.9.4

O. James Samson - August 26, 2011

ArcadiaCharts creates attractive, interactive 2D and 3D JavaScript and GWT charts which run natively in all browsers without plug-ins (no flash required). Some of the supported chart types include the following; line, area, pie, donut (doughnut), bar, column, scatter, xy, logarithmic scale charts, time plot. Current version includes automatic thinning function and new font fallback rules implemented. The rendering of bar charts has been optimized. Besides there are also some minor bug fixes. ArcadiaCharts enables you to build highly customizable interactive charts which run in all browsers without plug-ins (like flash).

ArcadiaCharts has some of the following chart types; line charts (sets a new standard for flexibility and interactivity), bar/column charts (create bar charts and column charts with single bars, stacked bars or 100% stacked bars), pie/donut charts (pie and donut charts in different styles. Supports circle sectors, extrusion and value summarization), and combined charts (useful for climate data and other areas in which a combination of bar and line charts makes sense).

Some of the features you can look forward to include the following; apply colour and style, interactivity, axis type, and CSV data import. ArcadiaCharts is a bit technical, and may not be easily understood by non experienced users.

Want to check it out? Visit Arcadiacharts.

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