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ClockIt: Easy Schedule Creator

Ciaran Moore - September 29, 2011

Any manager of hourly employees can tell you how difficult it is to create a schedule that takes into account both business needs and employee availability. ClockIt: Easy Schedule Creator is a powerful program for managing employee schedules and attendance.

It is not the most intuitive program you will ever see, but it has plenty of tools for creating schedules no matter how complex your needs are. It is useful that ClockIt: Easy Schedule Creator starts off with a wizard, which allows the user to easily set up the schedule range, employees, and shifts.

Once everything is configured, the schedule is displayed in a grid with dates across the top and employee names down the left side. To schedule an employee for a specific shift, simply click the box for the appropriate day and then select the desired shift from a drop-down menu. If you just want to use the program’s basic features, you can fill in the schedule this way and then print it for distribution to your employees. But ClockIt: Easy Schedule Creator also has a variety of advanced features, including tools that track attendance and run reports, and even an automatic schedule generator.

It takes a while to explore and get used to all of ClockIt’s features, but the program is not difficult to use. A built-in Help file provides basic instructions. Overall ClockIt: Easy Schedule Creator is a great way to take the hassle out of creating employee schedules, and it is recommended for anyone with hourly employees.

Check it out at Employee-Scheduling.

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