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BitTally Lite 0.9.078

O. James Samson - October 31, 2011

BitTally is a professional and reliable network monitoring application that is more than a low-level packet sniffer, like the ones in use by most network administrators, programmers, and other geek types. BitTally is for normal people – like managers, parents, etc – who want to know what is going on their networks. The program includes a lot of functions or features that will help you do a lot of things easier than a couple of premium programs out there. The applications’ engine is based on based on Deep Packet Inspection technology (DPI). BitTally recognizes over 100 application protocols including the following; BitTorrent, eDonkey, FTP, HTTP, SMTP, POP3, SIP, Skype, and many more. Users can also be sure that the program also supports encrypted BitTorrent, Skype, and a host of others.

BitTally is also designed to track bandwidth usage, collecting statistics by user, application protocol, domain, domain category, country. The program also has capacity to detect suspicious activities, reset undesirable TCP connections, or even redirect HTTP sessions. BitTally Lite is created for some specific environment that includes the following; office (by increasing employee productivity), schools and library (set up and enforce acceptable internet usage policies), and in home environment (to help you know what your kids are up to or doing).

Want to check it out? Visit BitTally.

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