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O. James Samson - November 21, 2011

DIRECTV nomad gives you the freedom to watch your recorded shows and movies anywhere. The innovative DIRECTV nomad allows you to sync your HD DVR with your cell phone, laptop, or tablet and take your recorded programs with you wherever you go. No Internet connection required to watch, so you can enjoy your favorites anywhere, anytime, without worrying about getting disconnected. Some of the features or things you can use this program for include the following; watch your recorded shows and movies from your HD DVR on your cell phone, laptop or tablet, it is compatible with PC, iPhone, and iPod touch and soon will be compatible with Mac, iPad, as well as Android, nomad can also be set to automatically prepare new episodes to watch on your cell phone, laptop, or tablet as soon as your HD DVR records it.

To use DIRECTV nomad program, you download and install it on your cell phone, laptop, or tablet to watch your recorded shows and movies from your HD DVRs, and select recorded shows and movies from your HD DVR HD to watch on your cell phone, laptop, or tablet. However, you must be within your home network to use DIRECTV nomad software.

Want to check it out? Visit DTVAPP.

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