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HT Employee Monitor 7.9.2

O. James Samson - January 26, 2012

HT Employee Monitor is reliable surveillance program that satisfies employers’ requirements. The software successfully boosts productivity not only by acting as a monitor but also in combination with blocking features and remote reporting. HT Employee Monitor is easy to use, and does not need any additional equipment to view everything that your employees are doing without leaving your chair or being far from your office.

HT Employee Monitor contains many features to improve employee productivity and prevent the wasting of work time. The program tracks and records all employees’ computer activities and gives remote access to this information, including typed keystrokes, visited websites, opened and closed applications, screenshots, and more. HT Employee Monitor helps to increase employee productivity with monitoring, as well as by blocking activities that are not work-related such us instant messengers, installers, specified web content, and many more.

HT Employee Monitor also includes a number of key features such as the following; records all typed keystrokes in any application including chat, email, word processing, web browsers and others, lets you find out if an employee is wasting time at work (e.g. playing solitaire instead of working), screenshot history provides visualization of employees’ activities which can make it obvious just what employees are doing, etc.

Want to check it out? Visit Hidetools.

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