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System Cleaner 6.00g

O. James Samson - April 24, 2012

Gradually your system that used to be very fast is now so slow that you begin to imagine if it was not the same PC that used to load very fast. It now takes a longer to boot up in the morning and sometimes it takes forever to shut down at the end of the day. Things are no longer the way they used to be because you can have your system running at the speed you thought it should be running at. The publishers of System Cleaner have designed the program to help you get your system up and running as it should be. This version also includes a comprehensive “secrets eraser” that scrubs all of your computer and internet activity files and removes every last trace of where you have been and what you did while you were there.

System Cleaner fixes and prevents errors by finding and cleaning error-producing and space-wasting garbage files. It operates by regularly scanning your hard drive for various error producing files and then optionally cleaning them from your system for you. Some of the features of System Cleaner include; restores your hard drive’s performance, fixes system errors that slow your PC down and cause it to crash, speeds up your PC’s execution of software programs, removes space-wasting temporary files and other unnecessary disk clutter, tunes up and optimizes the Windows Registry, etc.

System Cleaner only comes with 15 days trail period for new users; and this might be too short to find out all there is about it.

Want to check it out? Visit Pointstone.

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