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TimelineRemove 0.8.2

O. James Samson - May 16, 2012

TimelineRemove is a tiny, but handy tool that disables the new Facebook timeline feature and restores the classic look, without changing the timeline behaviour for other visitors of your Facebook profile. The extension basically works by hiding the timeline, so you can view your own and others’ profiles in the old style. TimelineRemove works automatically once installed, and a button is added to the toolbar that lets you toggle the timeline on and off, whenever you want. You don’t have to put up with your new Time Line feature on Facebook; all you need is to use TimelineRemove as an extension.

TimelineRemove disables the new Facebook timeline feature and restores the classic look,
without changing the timeline behaviour for other visitors of your Facebook profile. The program is compatible with the following browsers; Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer. You can download a version that suits your browser directly from the publisher’s website. A couple of issues have also been resolved in this release, which include Internet Explorer. Some antivirus programs may raise alarm concerning the safety of this program on your system; well, the truth remains that TimelineRemove is a nice program for all Facebook enthusiasts. The program is a freeware, and is available for download without limitations.

Want to check it out? Visit TimelineRemove.

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