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Bopup IM Client Software Development Kit 1.0

O. James Samson - May 20, 2012

Bopup IM Client Software Development Kit (SDK) is a freeware for Windows platform that provides instant messaging functionality into existing applications, creating and developing a chat messenger software based a client/server platform. The applications would have to be installed on the server-end of the IM system so that it would interface with the Bopup server.

Some of the key features of this utility include the following: it allows for connection and establishing instant messaging sessions with the communication server, sending/receiving personal and group instant messages, receiving urgent and high-priority tasks from the server, managing user’s contacts, receiving presence status updates within the Contact List. It supports the following authentication methods: Simple, Windows Authentication (SSPI) and using Private login and password credentials entered by end-user.

It guarantees safe and secure communication because all transmitted messages are encrypted with strong encryption algorithms based on the Diffie-Hellman key exchange and CAST-128 algorithms. This ensures that all your corporate, business and personal IMs are safe and secure.

It supports different types of authentication and authorization for the users with the IM server. So you could easily choose that which suites you and your business. You could manage and control user groups and you can also assign permissions to each user.  You could get to see the current status of your contact list as well as manage your own status. It allows you to organize your personal contact List and access it from any workplace and location. Want to deliver important message but the recipient is unavailable? It stores offline messages on its IM server and delivers such stored messages as soon as the recipient goes online.

To find out more about this amazing program, please visit Bopup.

This entry was posted on Sunday, May 20th, 2012 at 11:57 am and is filed under Main. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.


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One Response to “Bopup IM Client Software Development Kit 1.0”

  1. Robert McClure Says:

    Nice post! that is good information, it is useful to me thanks.

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