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RecordEditor 0.85

O. James Samson - May 26, 2012

RecordEditor is a datafile editor, similar to File-Aid or Net-Cobols Cobol-Editor. It uses a record layout to format the data in the file in to a human readable format. Because it knows the format of fields, it can format binary fields as normal numbers rather than displaying hex equivalent as most hex editors do. The file can be editted in a table (spreadsheet-like format) or in a single record format with fields going down the page. Quite a number of changes have also been made to this recent update. Some of the changes include the following; new File Wizard reader added, LayoutEditor changes / extensions, new Program start options, Many Gui changes including LAF changes, more short cut keys, menu changes, Option to edit Edit Exported files, and a few others.

RecordEditor comes with a lot of key features that include the following; viewing/editing fixed field length data files (i.e. fields occupy the same columns in every record. A typical file might be- Columns 1 to 8 Product, Columns 9 to 16 Quantity etc), viewing/editing fixed field length data files (i.e. fields occupy the same columns in every record. A typical file might be- Columns 1 to 8 Product, Columns 9 to 16 Quantity etc), viewing/editing CSV (i.e. Comma / Tab separated fields) files, copying Files from one format to another, and comparing files (same or different formats).

Want to check it out? Visit Record-Editor.

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