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aiClipboard 64-bit 1.2.0 Beta

O. James Samson - September 20, 2012

Everyday we experience new applications or programs that continue to make the use of the internet or computer easier. Today, it is about a program called aiClipboard; a program that remembers everything that have been copied to the clipboard.

aiClipboard, which stands for “ai stands for Artificial Intelligence” is a freeware application that will remember everything you copied to your clipboard: files, folders, graphics, texts, URLs, emails. The program is designed to remember all your clipboard items, forever, with an easy way to copy them back to the clipboard.  aiClipboard is designed to make virtually everything you do easier by simply turning your clipboard into a sidekick that will help you organize and remember.

aiClipboard is one small executable file that runs from anywhere, relies on nothing but itself and is fully portable; so there is no need for installation. The program has undergone a couple of changes that include; addition of manual text items to the clipboard, now protects items from accidental deletion, addition of new properties to each item, and a few others.


The program tends to crash when one clicks on a file to select copy; however, a couple of changes can still be made to it before it is finally released. It is not actually a bad program; after all, it is a freeware.

Want to check it out? Visit aiClipboard.

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