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Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center (64-bit) 2.0.161

O. James Samson - October 23, 2012

Keyboard and mouse customization is not a bad idea if one can find a program that won’t cause a problem while trying to have it configured. Using a couple of applications might be a lot easier with a few mouse and keyboard customization; and that is one reason Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center is a unique program to suit that purpose.

What can Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center (64-bit) 2.0.161 can do for you?

Mouse and Keyboard Center helps you to personalize and customize how you work on your computer. It means you can use the program to tailor your mouse and keyboard to meet your unique needs and work style. It will also help you modify your mouse and keyboard settings to make it easier to use the unique features of most PC applications.

Mouse and Keyboard Center (64-bit) 2.0.161 also allows you to view and change basic and application-specific settings for all connected devices in one place, and explore features with pop-up descriptive and how-to’s? InfoTips. It also includes access to an online How-To/Troubleshooting library, which includes access to an online Healthy Computing Guide for tips on how to work more comfortably on your computer.


This program may replace your old Microsoft drivers that worked before installation.

Want to check it out? Visit Microsoft.

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