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O. James Samson - April 23, 2013

Looking for a FTP server that allows you to easily share your files across the Internet? Serv-U is such an application.

What is Ser-U?

It is an easy-to-use FTP server that you can use to share your files across. It is wholly compliant with the current FTP standard, and has rich features that make it an ideal file sharing application for both new beginners and advanced users. Some of the things that Serv-U does for you include: Restrict directory & file rights, Deny or allow IP addresses, Monitor user actions in real-time, and Log all commands from users. Security settings are customizable for each user and group.

It supports SFTP (SSH), secure FTP (FTPS), web transfers, and remote admin. This program helps you to access files from anywhere via mobile devices, share files with employees, secure file transfer, and automate file transfers.

Some of the main features of this program are: Event-driven automation such as send email, sun program, brandable interface which allows you to use your company logo, Virtual folders permit use with local storage and remote shares, Multiple authentication sources, File integrity checks, Advanced web clients support drag-and-drop, thumbnails, synchronization, two-panel transfers and many more.

All in all a great value for your time and money.

To learn more, go to Serv-U.

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