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SynWrite 5.6.640

O. James Samson - July 16, 2013

Writing programs can be quite complicated and challenging even for experts who make a living from it. SynWrite is a program that is designed to make it easier to write programs.

What is SynWrite all about?

It is a powerful, feature rich source code editor and a very good lightweight and full-featured alternative for windows text editing and Notepad. It has a clean interface that should be easy to handle even by those who are only just starting to work with this type of software.

Some of the main features of this program are: Syntax highlighting for lots of languages, Fully customizable highlighting, Code folding, Support for almost all encodings, Tree structure view for source code, string extraction and clipboard history. The program comes with an extensive search tool that enables users to find certain regions of the text with great ease. The queries can be case sensitive, include special characters or regular expressions.

SynWrite, the author of this program, added the following changes to this version: added two tutorials “Creating new lexer”, “Creating lexer rules”, added two tutorials “Creating new lexer”, “Creating lexer rules, “Editor overrides” include also “Optimal fill among a few others.


Great text editor with loads of pro features.

To know more lease go to

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