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PowerGREP 4.6.0

O. James Samson - January 29, 2014

Searching your computer for information may be a bit difficult without certain tools to carry it out. However, the good thing is that there are several tools to make that very easy these days. This review offers you an opportunity to read about a program called PowerGREP. What is this tool all about, and what kinds of features does it offer you? Find out by reading the review below.

What is PowerGREP?

PowerGREP is a powerful GREP tool for quickly searching for a piece of information through files and folders on your computer, such as software source code, letters and correspondence, server or system logs, reference texts, historic archives, etc. Even if you do not know in advance exactly what you are looking for. In that situation, its rich Perl-compatible regular expression support allows you to search for virtually anything by specifying the form of what you want, and let it find the actual text matching that form.

PowerGREP gives you excellent opportunities to achieve or do the following: extensive encoding support Windows and DOS code pages, Unicode, ISO-8859, ECBDIC, KOI8, etc; split files into records before searching; collect information and statistics from log files or archives; easily search or find files anywhere on your computer or network; etc.

Any downside?

PowerGREP is a very useful tool; but the price is incredibly high.

Want to check it out? Visit PowerGrep.

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