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DSpeech 1.58.4

O. James Samson - February 17, 2014

Do you want a text to speech application with lots of useful functionalities and features? Do you also want such program to include features that can also read and write text aloud and also choose the sentences to be pronounced based on the vocal answers of users? Then you might want to check out DSpeech because it has a lot of features.

DSpeech is a TTS (Text To Speech) program with functionality of ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) integrated. It is able to read written text aloud and choose the sentences to be pronounced based upon the vocal answers of the user. It is specifically designed to provide functions that are necessary to this kind of program.

What does DSpeech allow you to do once you have it on your system? It allows you to do the following without any stress: allows you to save the output as a .WAV, .MP3, AAC, WMA or OGG file; DSpeech integrates a vocal recognition system that, through a simple script language, allows you to create interactive dialogues with the user; it allows you to quickly select different voices, even combine them, or juxtapose them in order to create dialogues between different voices; it allows you to configure the voices in an independent way; and many more.

Any downside?

The program is easy to use, and does not have any issue.

Want to check it out? Visit

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