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MobaXterm 7.0

O. James Samson - February 26, 2014

Managing and administering different systems connected to one network often involves complex tasks, with virtually every one of them requiring remote connectivity. With a program like MobaXterm, you can access an program that has lots of functions and applications that are tailored for programmers, web designers, administrators and pretty much all users who need to handle lots of remote jobs in a more simple fashion.

What is MobaXterm?

MobaXterm is an enhanced terminal with an X server and a set of Unix commands (GNU/Cygwin) packaged in a single portable exe file. MobaXterm includes a great multitab native Windows terminal; a new X server based on X.Org for easily export your Unix/Linux display and a lot of new GNU Unix commands. You can also use some of the free plugins for extending MobaXterm capabilities.

MobaXterm has a lot of newly added features and fixes that include the following: improvement of MobaXterm graphical interface (removed useless widgets, re-organized functions) in order to make it cleaner and easier to use; left sidebar can now be automatically shown/hidden by overlapping terminal, without resizing it; ew “network scanner” tool allows you to search for computers in your network with listening services (can be disabled in PRO edition); etc.

Want to check it out? Visit

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