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MKVToolnix for Windows 6.8.0

O. James Samson - March 14, 2014

Are you looking for a program that enables or allows you to merge and create video files with the MKV format, as well as view technical information on them? Then you can try or check out MKVToolnix.

What is MKVToolnix?

MKVToolnix is a set of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files under Linux, other Unices and Windows. They do for Matroska what the OGMtools do for the OGM format and then some. MKVToolnix has a very simple user interface, and you can easily input videos by using the file browser or the “drag and drop” method (batch processing is supported).

You can edit the track name, tags and timecodes, as well as select the language, default and forced track flag, and set the output filename. You can change the aspect ratio, display width and height, charset, cropping, cues, compression, user-defined options, and many more. In addition, you can also include attachments and modify their name, description, MIME type and attachment style, as well as configure global options when it comes to the file or segment title and tag file.

Does it have any downside?

MKVToolnix is a great tool with lots of easy to use features. The program does not have any downsides.

Want to check it out? Visit

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