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ProduKey 1.66

O. James Samson - April 30, 2014

There is no doubt about the fact that Microsoft Office is a huge and expensive software package, and it is only wise to save your Product ID and CD Key codes, preferably in a secure yet accessible place once you have bought the product key. Failure to do so can result in elevated stress levels, should you need to repair or reinstall the software. That is why you need a program like ProduKey.

What is ProduKey?

ProduKey is a small utility that displays the ProductID and the CD-Key of MS-Office, Windows, Exchange Server, and SQL Server installed on your computer. You can view this information for your current running operating system, or for another operating system/computer – by using command-line options. This utility can be useful if you lost the product key of your Windows/Office, and you want to reinstall it on your computer.

Some of the keys you can recover with the software include the following: Adobe; Symantec; Autodesk; Microsoft Word; etc.

What is new in this version of the program? Added /NoErrorMessage command-line option. If you specify it with a save command-line option, an error message won’t be displayed if the save action is failed. Instead, the error code will be returned to the caller.

Want to check it out? Visit:

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