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NetVizor 8.0

O. James Samson - October 23, 2014

Tracking employees and other people on your network has a lot of benefits. With a networking solution or monitoring solution like NetVizor, you can do all that and even more.

What is NetVizor all about?

NetVizor is network and employee monitoring software that invisibly monitors your entire network from a central location. It allows you to track workstations and users that may use multiple PC’s on your network. You can also deploy NetVizor from one location and record everything employees do, including screenshots, keystrokes typed, program and internet usage, emails and chats, file/document usage, and much more. Generate detailed activity reports in seconds, view your entire network in real-time, and receive instant behaviour alerts when unwanted activities occur.

Combined with real-time remote surveillance and individual user monitoring, the software is the most comprehensive network monitoring solution available. NetVizor has a great activity recording feature-set that invisibly records everything employees and users do on your network. Keystrokes, chats and emails, website and online search activity, program usage, file usage, uploads and downloads, mouse clicks, software installations, and internet traffic are just a some of the activity recording capabilities of the software.

Does NetVizor have any downside?

NetVizor has a limitation; and moreover, the price is too high.

Want to check it out? Visit

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