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WinSCP 5.7.1

O. James Samson - April 2, 2015

Looking for a simple SFTP/FTP utility? WinSCP is a program that has some very impressive features that will make copying of files between local and remote computer safer and easier.

What’s WinSCP?

WinSCP is freeware SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) and SCP (Secure CoPy) client for Windows using SSH (Secure Shell). Its main purpose is safe copying files between local and remote computer. Beyond this basic function, it manages some other actions with files. It can do all basic operations with files, such as copying and moving. It also allows you to rename files and folders, create new folders, change properties of files and folders. One of two selectable program interfaces allows user to manage files even on local computer. Most operations can be done recursively for files in folders.

Some changes have been made to this version to include the following: translations added: Croatian, Finnish, Korean and Polish; upgraded private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) to 0.64; import of Base64-encoded passwords from FileZilla; TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1m; and a few others.

Does it have any downside?

WinSCP is an easy to use program, which has no downside, especially when you consider recent changes and updates that have been made.

Want to check it out? Visit

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