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AdiIRC 1.9.9

O. James Samson - November 25, 2015

Are you looking for a chat application that has some nice features and clean user interface? AdiIRC is a chat program that offers you lots of nice features that won’t take you time to get used to. It is designed to store all its settings in text files.

AdiIRC is an IRC client with multiserver support and a customizable interface. It offers all the standard IRC features including private chats, basic Identd features, sysinfo, themes, plugins and various media player support. The program stores all its settings in text files and does not require installation.

Version 1.9.9 has a completely new server list that has more control, more features and fixes a lot of the bugs that were noticed in previous server list. However, old users who want to use the server list are required to manually enable it in the Options-> Server-> Use new server list, while all servers must be manually added (old server settings will not be deleted and reverting to old server list can be done at any time).

With a couple of bug fixes made to this version, AdilRC is more stable than it used to be.

Want to check it out? Visit:

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