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Ciaran Moore - December 4, 2015

Are you someone who often finds yourself working  with a lot of windows open at the same time? If so, you’ll know how fast it can become a confusing and cluttered mess in no time at all! It’s also quite time consuming to have to be constantly minimizing, maximizing and clicking on windows to switch between projects and programs.

WindowsPager allows you the ability to neatly arrange your projects and work on their own virtual desktop space and therefore you can switch between your work environments with a quick click of your mouse, saving you time and making your screen a whole lot tidier to work with.

You can also easily move windows from one virtual desktop to another of your choosing, simply by right clicking the task bar icons or dragging the window between your desktops you’ve made in WindowsPager. These also have mini-previews which are useful for keeping track of where your applications are running. They show a miniature overview of what windows and programs are running in each of your virtual desktops, which makes it simple to manage them and move stuff between them.

Another feature is a “sticky” window setting, which can make any window show on all of your virtual desktops.  It also has keyboard commands for moving windows, if you are into keyboard commands, as well as an option to keep certain windows on top of all of the others.

This is a portable program, so it doesn’t even need any installation and you can use it on the go if working on various different computers for example.  It also has 64 bit support and support for flashing windows, (chat windows for example) another useful idea is a crash restore feature and it supports multi monitor mode too.

Check it out on SourceForge.

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