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Archive for January, 2016

HttpMaster Express Edition 3.1.0

Sunday, January 3rd, 2016

232323121312Are you a web developer looking for a great tool to automate testing of websites? HttpMaster is a program that enables you to easily execute and monitor requests to stimulate the activities of your clients. It has the capacity to execute requests against various web services and display complete request and response data.

What’s the big deal about HttpMaster?

HttpMaster is a development tool to automate testing of web sites and services, including RESTful web services and API applications, and monitor their responses. With HttpMaster you can easily execute and monitor requests to simulate client activity; it can execute requests against various web servers and display complete request and response data. HttpMaster is also able to generate high volume of web traffic for improved testing.

Recently, some changes were made to HttpMaster. Some of these changes include: displays a list of request items that use particular parameter; application setting to support international (non-ASCII) domain names; content type ‘application/soap+xml’ displayed with XML viewer by default; and ‘Copy URL’ and ‘Open in browser’ actions available in execution data toolbar.

The pro version of HttpMaster comes with complete features, while the free version only offers limited features to users.

Want to check it out? Visit

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