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Folder Guard 10.0

O. James Samson - May 25, 2016

Keeping sensitive data from privacy invaders requires a lot of efforts. It is not all about installing and updating your antivirus—it is also about complementing the security software you have on your system. Folder Guard is a security program that ensures that unauthorized people do not have access to sensitive information on your computer.

Folder Guard is a security program that ensures that only authorized people can access sensitive information on your computer. It makes folders invisible or read-only, controls access to system files, restricts access to the Control Panel, and prevents unauthorized use of your stand-alone or networked computer. When it hides a folder, the folder’s contents will be invisible to all applications including Windows programs like Explorer, Office, and MS-DOS programs. Folder Guard can be configured to require user validation at logon, and to maintain a log that tracks system use. On a user-by-user basis, you can allow or deny access to selected folders as well as to the Windows Start Menu and Control Panel.

Folder Guard is easy to use, but might take some time to get used to.

Want to check it out? Visit

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