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Good Vs Evil: orange ball of clay saves the day

Monday, October 16th, 2006

GvsE 3 is a game from Jonathan Smelby, who is the apparent founder of Jonny Comics, Inc. who I assume has made GvsE 1 and 2. The title actually stands for Good Versus Evil, which makes it sound like a great, fantastic epic on the level of Star Wars

Well, it’s not. However, it is an excellent parody and full of fun. You can tell from the intro: “It seems like only yesterday. In fact, it was yesterday.” You play Buddy McCraken, a little orange ball of clay who has hands and feet, yet no arms or legs. From the information that I learned in the cutscenes, Buddy works for Mission Control, and has to stop the evil Dr. Ampere in his fortified fortress. Dr. Ampere has this gigantic ray that he will use to destroy the moon in about six hours or so. It’s kind of like the reverse of Dr. Evil’s plot in Austin Powers 2. Why he wants to destroy the moon is beyond me. (more…)

Kings Quest 1 for Free

Sunday, October 8th, 2006

Games that you can get for free are generally worth what you paid for them. There are exceptions to that rule, because some games, simple as they may be, are simply classics. For example, the King’s Quest series. 

Some of you may be too young to remember King’s Quest, but when it was first released by Sierra in 1984, it started a new revolution of gaming. It used a 2.5D world where you worked a character that could move north, south, east, west, and, in some cases, up-and-down. Your character was flat, and all the objects he/she moved around were flat, but back then, it was better graphics than the Xbox 360.  (more…)

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