is the Free Office
Phil South - October 26, is both a web site and a free suite of office productivity programs. You could say it’s the open-source equivalent of Microsoft Office, but aren’t allowed to. The six components of the suite are Writer, Impress, Math, Draw, Calc and Base.
Writer is a word-processor and all you really need to know about it is that it is full featured all the things you would expect, but it opens and writes Word files. Impress is a presentation program, which speaks fluent Powerpoint. Do you see a theme developing here? Okay, so the one reason for existence for Openoffice is NOT to be a MS Office clone, but it’s helpful that it has compatible file types. Why? Because that means it is actually useful in an office context.
While the project is still under development, the programs are already usable and friendly. You should try it before you buy MS Office.
Organise a trip to for all the details.
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