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Archaist: Anyone know what’s going on?

Mark Rollins - October 30, 2006

5646447475.jpgThis game I found on a whim, and didn’t take long to download. I didn’t play it long, either. 

Simply put, the game is confusing. Apparently, you are working this four legged spider who can fire missiles.  The back story is that it is the year 8888, and boy, will people laugh when that year rolls around and discovers the future is completely devoid of red spiders who shoot missiles. The back story deals with something about environmental fallout of several wars, or something.  Why is it these complicated games always have even more complicated backstories? 

The controls are very confusing as well. You see, some of the enemies are floating, and you have to hit the up key to jump up in the air to shoot them. Unfortunatley, this up key also increases your speed, so you can’t help but go way fast everytime you jump up. This causes you to hit a wall and explode. 

I looked over the instructions, and apparently the goal is to pick up artifacts and deliver them to these stations. The artifacts look like 3.5 floppy disks (who have oddly made a comeback in the year 8888), and five of them can be found and little egg shaped things.  The game has a map that shows how much radiation is in it, or something. 

I’m not certain if this was a fault of the game or part of it, but at one time, all my indication screens said “error”.  I found that highly odd, but didn’t question it much. 

Any way, this is a vertical scroller game that is reminds me of Xevious, an old 80’s game that was a lot more fun and a lot less confusing.  If you’d like to try Archaist it for yourself, check it out here


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