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Windows Live Messenger 8.1: New Beta released

Tilgore Kraut - November 1, 2006

Another good (I guess) news from our ‘friendly neighbor’ Microsoft. It has released a beta version of Windows Live Messenger (version 8.1). Well new version doesn’t have some new great advantages over the previous one but still more than interesting to check out.


As for the new features: new emoticons Winks, Backgrounds, Display Pictures (menus have gotten an updated look), a “Roaming Identity” function, which means that you can (optionally) have your display picture and personal message follow you wherever you login, an SMS phone book that lets you associate phone numbers with you contacts and send them SMS messages easily, and a “Report abuse” function (well, who knows maybe it’ll come in handy someday). Also this Beta version supports a couple of other minor new features like an improved “Contact Card” and a “Sign Out” option on the Status menu.

As for the new features: new emoticons Winks, Backgrounds, Display Pictures (menus have gotten an updated look), a “Roaming Identity” function, which means that you can (optionally) have your display picture and personal message follow you wherever you login, an SMS phone book that lets you associate phone numbers with you contacts and send them SMS messages easily, and a “Report abuse” function (well, who knows maybe it’ll come in handy someday). Also this Beta version supports a couple of other minor new features like an improved “Contact Card” and a “Sign Out” option on the Status menu.


You can download and start using Windows Live Messenger right now from here and it won’t cost you a dime.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 1st, 2006 at 10:03 am and is filed under Main. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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5 Responses to “Windows Live Messenger 8.1: New Beta released”

  1. varmakorta Says:

    Wazzzup all. My child is very ill. I need money for expensive surgical operation!


  2. karogros Says:

    Halo people. Let’s take a look. A great sollution for you.

    Don’t delete this. Thanks!

  3. mikgruber Says:

    Wazzup people. Let’s take a look. A great sollution for you.
    Don’t delete this. Thanks!

  4. sushil Says:

    it is good or not i dont’ know

  5. kika Says:

    looking forward to the download

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