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O. James Samson - April 2, 2008

Security is a big thing in today’s world and with the increase in the level and sophistication of technology, security has become ever more important as time goes on.  Many of the operating systems and software packages released today from the biggest companies have an obsession with security and for the average computer user, making sure that people are not able to hack into their most important files and uncover things they want to keep secret is definitely a big deal.

And this is exactly where FSLock comes in.  FSLock is a program that allows you to put all of your different files into a list, thereby locking those files and protecting them against renamed, moved, deleted or modified in any other way.  The placement of these files into a list precludes anything from being done to them so no matter how smart a person gets with the hacking, they will not be able to circumvent the security protocols that you have put into place.  Any file type except for .exe and .dll files can be locked in this way, allowing you to secure as many of your most precious files as you want to.

It is rare for a free file to have this level of functionality, but FSLock is definitely a very special piece of software.  It is getting better too as the different versions get released and this latest beta version has support for encrypted and secured files in addition to its base functionality that was explained above.
More information is available at


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One Response to “FSLock”

  1. Louie Says:

    its very good

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