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MyLiveSignature 1.00

Tilgore Kraut - August 5, 2008

Every time you send an e-mail you place a few lines, including your signature at its bottom. Would you like to make this signature look less impersonal. This service can help.

Pros: Handwritten signatures adds distinction and interest to mundane things like e-mails that we are used to seeing with type faced names following a message. A handwritten signature or a look alike can add a personal touch. What this access to provides is several ways of creating signatures for a fee and a means to download them and use as one please. This is really kind of a unique niche the publishers have addressed.

Getting a signature made is what the service about. Once registered you could opt for one of three way of creating your signature and you could do this any number of times too. The first method is to use the signature wizard. Which essentially is handwritten script based imitation of your signature. The script based fonts can be customized in several ways. The signature wizard offers you a wide range of configurable parameters, allowing you to achieve the results you need. For example, you can adjust such parameters as name, font, size, color and slope of the signature.

Second available option is to actually sign a piece of paper, scan the same and then let the designers at the clean up and create a signature for you. The third option for people would like to do it in style, one can have an animated signature. Once again submit your signature and the folks at the website will create an animation out of it and give it back to you. To a recipient it’d look like you are personally signing your message in your presence. Smooth flowing animation is assured by the publisher as these are created by professionals. A welcome tour on the site explains all the details. Once you have the signature, you can easily insert it into a message in any mail client that supports signatures.

Cons: Usual caution about version 1.0 but looks robust enough. Other than that there can be concerns about giving out your signature to a third party.

{More Info and Download}

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