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Screamer Radio 0.4.3

O. James Samson - October 16, 2008

When it comes right down to it, a large reason for the boom in the internet that has come in recent months has to do with multimedia.  Specifically, photos, videos and audio have all become a lot easier to share across the internet and for that reason there are many websites now that are dedicated to internet radio.  While internet radio is not a big thing at the current moment, many people would expect it to become a big thing in the future and for that reason there are a lot of people posting some very good quality material to different internet radio websites.

With software like Screamer Radio, you can make sure you capture the essence of internet radio without missing a beat.  It will let you get internet radio from multiple websites and its large array of options will ensure that anything you want to do to tweak the sound can definitely been done.  The most recent version of Screamer Radio was released just a few days ago and it contains fixes to a number of known bugs as well as additional menu options to make this program even more versatile than it already is.

More information about Screamer Radio can be found at

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