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MileCharter 2.9

Tilgore Kraut - January 22, 2009

Calculate Mileage Charts and Tables with MS MapPoint. You can calculate tables for customers and suppliers including “closest only”, or to create “road atlas” tables. You can distances, travel times and/or estimated costs to Excel.

Pros: You can use the application for calculating mileage charts for locations of interest. These can be customer locations, supplier location and so on. If you are already using Microsoft MapPoint, you know how much trouble it is to calculate various distances and travel times to reach your customers in time. Use MileCharter to take the pain out of these calculations. Process hundreds of source and destination locations accurately in minutes with a few mouse clicks. If you need, create “road atlas” tables. These mileage charts and tables are created using MS MapPoint maps as the basis. You can output route distances, travel times, estimated costs etc can be output to Excel sheet. These can be very large spread sheets and thus no real limitation as to how many points you use to calculate the tables. The options available in MapPoint of finding routes based on fastest route, straight line routes, road speeds, road preferences etc available in MapPoint. It uses 2002, 2004, 2006, 2009 versions of both the European and American editions. The application can calculate very large batches of thousands of routes quite easily. Windows 2000, XP or the Vista is the platform on which this application works.

“Closest only” option lets you sort and find the closest destination easily. If you need to find the closet service location for a specific customer this will be the approach. For deriving a cost table you could assign a per mile cost or a fixed cost for a distance interval. Pause/restart function allows very large processing runs to be stopped and restarted. So calculating a cost schedule for hundreds or even thousands of your customers is not a problem at all. It works as a plug-in and MapPoint MileCharter has a simple, easy-to-use interface allowing easy selection of start and finish locations, as well as formatting and other options.

{More Info and Download}

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