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PixPlant 2

Tilgore Kraut - March 25, 2009

PixPlant 2 utility boasts of user-friendly features that support you in creating impressive 3D textures. With the 3D texturing tool, the formation of high quality specular maps and other variety of textures using the plain images, get quite easier. The application is capable of adding various image based objects to your project. Process of texture creation is even simpler, which helps in deriving high quality output. The PixPlant program supports getting rid of the repetitive tasks like creating of textures, backgrounds, etc over and over again. It allows you to instantly transform your images into employable 3D textures, thus adding value, variety, and realism to your projects.

The PixPlant 2 opens with a soothing interface with display area and features placed neatly on it. For creating the all new textures and backgrounds etc, just begin with the selection of seed image files from your system. The selected images are placed with Seed image box at right. Below the Seed Image area are presented the options for modifying different texture and background attributes. The option-set includes Equalize Seed for choosing Light and Color, Straighten Seed to edit the image alignment, and Seed Pattern to alter the pattern for the new texture. Adding to these are Seed Scale for setting the pattern size, and Extra Seed Symmetry that let you choose the horizontal, vertical or 180° pattern. Altering these as per requirement, you can set the Tiling to be applied in horizontal, vertical or both styles. Now press ‘Generate’ and the program forms and shows the texture formed according to the specifications. There’s other tab named ‘3D Material’, where the seed file can be viewed and stored in Normals, Displacement, Specular, and Diffuse forms. In addition, even you can alter the Common Surface Settings for all forms.

Along with these functions, the PixPlant 2 also sports different supporting features and program configurations for deriving the desired output.

{More Info and Download}

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