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O. James Samson - April 23, 2009

TeamViewer is a free application that allows users share files and their desktop. The application could also be used to control computers remotely. It’s one of the few applications today that offers premium services for desktop sharing without any fees.

The most impressive feature of TeamViewer is the ease of configuration. There are other desktop sharing applications that require knowledge of firewall configuration, IP and general networking. This usually creates confusion not to mention frustration for beginners. But TeamViewer do not require any advanced knowledge in computer networking. After installation, you can sign up in TeamViewer wherein you’ll be provided with a unique ID. To share your desktop, you can install TeamViewer on another computer, sign up with a separate account and enter your unique ID to begin sharing.

TeamViewer could also be used to launch presentations. Instead of simply showing your desktop, you can launch your Excel or PowerPoint files and it will show in full screen mode on other computers.

Aside from desktop and file sharing, TeamViewer could be used as a communication platform. The unique ID of different users could be added to your “partners list” so that you don’t have to ask for their ID again and again.

The features do not end there: network administrators could use this application to remotely control a computer. A web based application is also available so that you can access your computer wherever you are. TeamViewer is a very powerful application that does not require any extensive knowledge from their users.

More info and download at

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