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O. James Samson - May 27, 2009

SenseBot is a Firefox browser extension highly recommended for academic research. In gist, this browser extension helps users collect the best results on the web and displays them as part of the search results. Instead of browsing through different pages of the search results for a credible search, the application immediately displays those results.

The browser extension should not be confused with search results from search engines. Popular search engines utilize “caching” wherein text from webpages is searched and eventually displayed. Although this works, they usually do not provide the useful search results. SenseBot on the other hand, helps users have better search result as it uses text search used by search engines and summarization of websites. The latter feature of the browser extension creates useful search results as they provide highly useful information about the links in search results.

Since the application provides additional search results, there is a possibility that the browser might slow down to a halt. SenseBot prevents that from happening by simplifying the search results. Instead of interactive results, the search results will only be in text format.

Although SenseBot is a very useful tool for research, its downside is on limited adaptability. The application can only work with Firefox as a browser extension which means it will require a particular browser before it could be used. The search results offered by SenseBot can only be displayed when the search engine used is Google. But even with these limitations, SenseBot is a very useful tool that speeds up research by providing credible and useful information.

Check it out at

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