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Advanced Office Recovery

Tilgore Kraut - August 5, 2009

Recover lost documents from Microsoft office packages such as word, excel, PowerPoint, visio, Microsoft works and open office. Easy to use and effective at finding files that have been deleted even if they have been removed from the recycle bin.

Features: This is an recovery application. It attempts to recover files damaged or inadvertently deleted. The recovery program can work with MS office documents such as word, excel, PowerPoint, visio, Microsoft works as well as open office documents It’ll help you find files that has been deleted and even removed from the recycle bin. It is able to recover data from corrupt drives and drives with other than Windows formats. It is easy to use.

It is risk free too. The recovered files are stored on a different drive. Thus making sure the original files are not tampered with and remain intact. If you have recently deleted files or formatted your drive ensure you avoid writing any new files to it until you’ve performed a full recovery otherwise the effectiveness of the program may be reduced.

{More Info and Download}

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