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O. James Samson - August 20, 2009

AcronymGenie is a highly educational and informative application that help users know the exact meaning of the abbreviation. It’s very useful for users who are frequently offline since it provides a very extensive list of abbreviations with its corresponding meanings. Although the acronyms contained in the application is limited to computer terms, it’s still an extensive list as it deals with almost any type of acronym you encounter in computers.

Even though the application contains a very extensive list of abbreviation, the application size is merely 656kb. Since it’s focused only in translating acronyms, it can place the necessary information and functions in less than 1mb.

The application also comes with a relatively powerful search tool. Users who can ask for a direct meaning of the abbreviation or use the “anagram” function wherein the acronym entered by users will be shuffled and matched on the database. Users can also search for “smileys” that can be implemented online. Reverse search or “Expansion” will also allow users to search the specific acronym. The search results can be copied and placed in users preferred document editor.

Because the internet is constantly expanding, there is a concern that the data could no longer become relevant. The application deals with that problem by allowing users to connect to the developer’s database wherein they can update the list of acronyms in the application.

AcronymGenie is a very useful offline tool. It’s lightweight and has a very extensive search tool that allows users to easily search for the specific meaning of the computer acronym.

Check it out at

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