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WinRAR (64-bit) 3.92

O. James Samson - February 16, 2010

WinRAR (64-bit) 3.92 has consistently competed favourably with other archiving and compression programs online for a long time. As a matter of fact, RAR ranks high on the list of more users than any other program in the same category. With a significantly improved compression ratios, easier use including a cheaper price per download and just to add that it supports long file names, disk spanning and self-extracting file creation.

WinRAR (64-bit) 3.92 has support for such languages like: Arabic; Catalan; Chinese Simplified; German; Polish; Portuguese Brazilian; Bulgarian among others. WinRAR is also useful for file backup, and users can use it to backup their data and reduce the size of their email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from the internet.

For those who may be interested in trying it out before they buy it, WinRAR is also available for a limited trial period. WinRAR is not a new program and I fancy it for all the great features it has.

Want to check it out? Please visit Rarlab

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