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Core Temp

O. James Samson - July 12, 2010

Core Temp can be defined as a compact, no fuss, and small footprint program to monitor a computer CPU temperature. One unique aspect of Core Temp is the fact that it actually shows the temperature of each individual core in each processor in computer system. Users have the opportunity of seeing in real time how the CPU temperature varies when a user load his CPU.

Core Temp is designed in such a way that it has a logging feature which allow a user to easily record the temperature of his processor(s) over any period of time, then the data can be easily transferred into an excel datasheet for easy graphing.

Core Temp supports Windows XP Service Pack 2, 2003 Server, Vista and Windows 7 (both 32bit and 64bit versions). It has a digitally signed Core Temp driver which on all the Window programs that it supports.

The new feature in Core Temp the plug in that allows any programmer with an idea of its new feature\extension to create one, add it to Core Temp and the plug in becomes a part of it. It also has a DTS (Digital Thermal Sensor) which provides higher accuracy and more relevant temperature reading than the standard Thermal diode sensors do.

Want to check it out? Visit Alcpu

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One Response to “Core Temp”

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