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Database .NET v3 3.9.3990

O. James Samson - December 8, 2010

Database.NET is a simple and intuitive database management application for multiple databases; making the task of local remote and remote database administration very easy. Users who install Database.NET on their systems can create databases, design tables, edit data, export data, generate scripts and run SQL queries. Some of the features include: a table editor; syntax highlighting; data editor; create/shrink/protect database; service manager; code manager; multiple query tabs; export to CSV/XML/TXT/XSL/SQL; print query results; and a host of other features. Database.NET is based on the .NET Framework 3.5; and supports MS Access 97-2003/MS Access 2007-2010/MS Excel 2007-2010/dbase IV/Firebird/MySQL/SQL Server/SQL Azure/SQL Server CE/SQLite/PostgreSQL/Oracle/OleDB/ODBC.

Database .NET is a freeware tool that is packed with a lot of features; even as a freeware program. It is a program good for a lot of people; especially those with a bit of experience when it comes remote administrations. With features that puts you almost in charge of creating databases, design tables, edit and export data, as well as generate scripts and run SQL queries. May take a bit of time before someone without a technical understanding of how a program like this works to get used to it. For a freeware program; this is not actually a bad idea from the publishers.

Want to check it out? Visit FishCodeLib.

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