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PhoXo 7.1

Tilgore Kraut - March 9, 2011

Image editing procedures are something most of us are aware about and feel the need to dabble with it once a while to get the grip of it, even if it is something as minuscule and minor as cutting and cropping the image with the Paint Brush tool. There can be different procedures to utilize in order to perform some sort of modification on a picture with enhanced and simplified tools (like the Photoshop that can airbrush photos and change their texture completely). Glossy magazines presenting picture perfect celebrity photos are the most apt example of this. Apart from this, certain tools are utilized to treat several images at a time and perform some concrete changes like PhoXo 7.1 which presents a hassle free and flexible working environment which can be worked upon to treat photos.

PhoXo upon launch opens with a neatly organized interface with the chief options placed at the top panel and the main screen showing up the imagery placed for editing and modification purposes. This free of cost utility is compact yet powerful enough to be worked with complete ease and is speedy and easy to utilize and can work as a miniature version of Photoshop. There are several useful features of the program such as adding up layers on an image along with providing multiple special effects and batch processing utilities. Furthermore, it also includes cropping and painting up and retouching and navigating through the interface and adding up useful text in the image like shadow and gradient color along with ripple text and others.

To conclude, PhoXo 7.1 can prove to be a certain and apt utility for all image users and digital photography enthusiasts.

{More Info and Download}

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