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Second Copy

O. James Samson - April 21, 2011

Second Copy is an application that arranges your backup need in sets of “profiles”. Each profile is a set of file and folder specifications which tells it what you want to be copied, to where, and when. Once Second Copy is configured, it monitors the “source” folders for changes or updates, and copies new or changed files to the “destination”. This process is done unobtrusively in the background. This program is by far one of the easiest to use; and that means new users should not encounter any problem trying to install and put it to use on their computers.

Among several other unique features included in the current version are as follows: automatic backups; backup open files; easy setup; highest level of encryption; Unicode support; non-propriety format; automatic archival of old versions; backup documents, music, pictures, and other vital data; and many more. Also, the publishers of Second Copy have updated this version to also include the following additions and fixes; supports open file copying on 64-bit Windows, fixing of long filename copying from \\Server\Share was broken, and fixing of initial tray icon bubble was showing up repeatedly.

Users can download their trial versions that last for 30 days. The unlimited version is put at $29.95, and comes with an uninstaller.

Want to check it out? Visit SecondCopy.

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