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Path Analyzer Pro for Linux 2.6.10 Beta

O. James Samson - June 17, 2011

Path Analyzer Pro for Linux is one fine application that delivers advanced network route-tracing with performance tests, DNS, whois, and network resolution to investigate network issues. By integrating all these powerful features into one simple graphical interface, Path Analyzer for Linux Pro is a must-have tool for any network, systems, or security professional on Windows and Mac OS X.

Path Analyzer Pro for Linux has advanced features that summarize a given trace within a few seconds. It generates a simple report with all important information on the target; this is also called Synopsis. This feature allows IT professionals to quickly find the all relevant background information on their targets. Path analyzer Pro for Linux is very fast, and can be a bit faster than the traditional traceroute.

Some of its features include the following; stunning report and export to impress your colleagues, vivid charts make network problems obvious, easy-to-use graphical interface for Windows and MacOS X, map-based location of IP addresses with zoom, pan, and details, charts and graphs take the guess-work out of performance testing, law enforcement specific features including e-mail address tracking, automatic detection of filters, stateful firewalls, and other anomalies, resolves autonomous system numbers (ASN) based on real-time routing, and a host of others.

Want to check it out? Visit Pathanalyzer.

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One Response to “Path Analyzer Pro for Linux 2.6.10 Beta”

  1. Papay Says:

    It’s a nice tool!

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