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Folder Axe 3.1

O. James Samson - July 23, 2011

The publisher of Folder Axe had one purpose in mind when this program was created, and that is to help users split their folders into many smaller folders. You may split the folders in various ways; as a matter of fact, two of the possible ways are “By Amount”, which splits the folder into many smaller folders, where you specify a limit for the number of files that can be in each resulting folder; and “By Size”, in which you specify a size limit for each of the resulting folders.

Folder Axe has a lot of features to help enrich your experience. These features include the following; split by amount (specify the number of files each resulting folder is limited to), split by size (split by name (specify the size limit of each resulting folders), split by name (created folders based upon the first x number of characters in file names), split by file type (files split into folders according to their extensions), split by file group (files split into seven different groups), set the naming scheme for the resulting folders, process folders of any size, automatic update checking, so you can always have the latest version, and log window so you exactly what is going on all times.

Want to check it out? Visit

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