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Digital Image Tool

Ciaran Moore - September 30, 2011

The hassle of rotating, resizing, renaming, and otherwise adjusting digital images before sharing them online is sometimes enough to make us leave our images languishing on our memory cards. Fortunately, there are plenty of free programs that can simplify this process.

Digital Image Tool is a sleek application that lets you make basic formatting changes to your images and looks good doing it. The program’s interface is done in attractive shades of gray, with an intuitive and contemporary layout. You can select batches of images to work with, and the program’s major features – resize, watermark, tag images, and rename – are arranged in easily accessed tabs. Everything about the program is pretty self-explanatory, but mousing over any feature displays a description in a small pane at the bottom of the interface.

The program does contain some tiny white text on dark backgrounds, which could be problematic for users who do not see well, but this is the only real drawback to be found.

Digital Image Tool let us easily crop our images, add custom watermarks and tags, convert between four different image formats, and carry out other actions. The program does not have any features that you have not seen numerous times before, but it is a useful suite of tools in a nice-looking package. It is recommended to anyone looking for a sleek program that can get images ready to be shared or stored quickly.

Check it out at DigitalImageTool

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