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Microsoft “Roslyn” 1.0 CTP

O. James Samson - October 26, 2011

Microsoft “Roselyn” project works by opening up the VB and C# compilers. The compilers provide APIs to allow tools and end-users to share in the wealth of information the compilers have about code. The program’s CTP previews the new language object models for code generation, analysis, and refactoring, and the upcoming support for scripting and interactive use of C# and Visual Basic. Microsoft “Roslyn” CTP installs as an extension to Visual Studio 2010 SP1. “Roslyn” is a long lead project which the publishers have been considering for the post-Visual Studio 11 timeframe. The CTP includes an early preview of the APIs exposed by the C# and Visual Basic compilers, and the Interactive window experience.

Users may have to endure some limitations as this is just a technology preview. While the shape of the public API surface is complete, only a subset of the C# and Visual Basic languages have been implemented at this time in the current CTP. Microsoft “Roslyn” is a light program and may not take up to much space on your system. The program supports the following operating systems; Windows 7, as well as Windows Server 2008 R2.

Want to check it out? Visit Microsoft.

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