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BibleTime for Windows 2.9 RC1

O. James Samson - November 17, 2011

BibleTime is a completely free Bible study program with an easy to use user-interface built with Qt framework, which makes it run on several operating systems. BibleTime for Windows uses the SWORD programming library to work with over 200 free Bible texts, commentaries, dictionaries and books provided by the Crosswire Bible Society. A couple of changes have been made to this program, and some of these include fixing of compilation against CLucene 2, optimizations, translation updates, and refactoring. BibleTime is open source with lots of bible translations that will make studying absolutely easy.

BibleTime is not a bible, but a bible study application built with features that ensure users dig deeper into the scripture. Users can download various books relating to the bible from FTP servers. Some of the books you can download include; the Complete works of Josephus Flavious, the popular Lexicon, various Bible Dictionaries, Various Bible versions or translations, devotionals, and a lot more.

Like a couple of other bible freeware applications on the internet, BibleTime for Windows is free, and can be installed without much effort. However, publishers of BibleTime for Windows still has a lot of catching up to do with a couple of other programs out there n terms of features.

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