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iCopy 1.50

O. James Samson - February 27, 2012

iCopy is a free and open source software that lets you combine your scanner and printer into a powerful, yet easy to use photocopier by only pressing a button. The program has a simple user interface that lets you manage scanner and printer options, like brightness, contrast, number of copies in a couple of seconds. You can run iCopy by just pressing the button of your scanner!! Its simple user interface lets you manage scanner and printer options, like brightness, contrast, number of copies in a couple of seconds. As a matter of fact, iCopy requires no installation and is also suitable for USB pen drives.

Some of the key features included in the program by its publishers include the following; modify image settings such as brightness, contrast, resolution and enlargement, directly print or save your documents with a single click, acquire multiple pages and print them all together, various options and actions under control in a small and simple window, select copies, colour, paper size and image settings with a few click and then press the big Copy Button, modify image settings such as brightness, contrast, resolution and enlargement, install a free PDF printer or use Acrobat Distiller and set it as the default printer for iCopy, and many more.

Want to check it out? Visit iCopy.SourceForge.

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